‘Twas the last home game before Christmas, and dotted through the stands
Was a crowd you could almost count on your hands.
The official attendance was ‘counted’ with care
But the photos said hardly any bugger was there.
We packed the park v Port Vale to show we’re still here
But life with the Lemsagams is bereft of good cheer.
So we emptied the park, in the hope of a new backer,
But sod’s law, it turned out we were missing a cracker.
It started so well – what a strike from Keillor-Dunn!
But if I’d been there, I’d have left at 4-1.
We held onto the lead for as long as we were able
But we were soon 1-4 down, and at the bottom of the table.
Just over an hour in and we’re already adrift
But Santa Claus took pity and had a surprise gift.
A Christmas miracle! A point was restored!
We somehow bagged five! Even Hallam Hope scored!
We rescued a draw, but there’s much more to do.
We’re still headed for relegation in 2022.
So enjoy nicking a point, celebrate when you can,
But Santa’s not bringing us that three year plan.
I hope Yuletide brings you good times down the pub.
I hope that Saint Nick wants to buy a football club.
All the best, have a good one, despite Latics being shite,
Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

Thank you to Arlene for
this week's festive post
You can follow Arlene, the glory hunter,
on Twitter @arlenefinnigan.
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